Hackney Half Marathon

Hackney Half Marathon Hackney Half Marathon Hackney Half Marathon
  1. What:

    We have now allocated all our places for this event. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please complete the application form. Join our Brain Tumour Research team for this hugely popular East London half marathon with festival vibes, live music and street food.

  2. When:

    May 18 2025 at 09:00

  3. Where:

    Hackney Marshes, Homerton Road, Hackney, E9 5PF

  • Registration fee:
    £20.00 GBP


We have now allocated all our places for this event. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please complete the application form.

Run through London’s most creative and inspiring borough with vibrant street art and entertainment on course. 

Celebrate your 13.1-mile achievement with thousands in Hackney Marshes, complete with music, food, drink and a range of sports and wellbeing activities.

Location and Timings

Hackney Marshes, Homerton Road, Hackney, E9 5PF
Start time
Sun, 18 May 25, 09:00AM


Registration Fee: £20

Minimum Sponsorship: £274

Distance: 13.1 miles

Community support contact: Lina.Gorenscek@braintumourresearch.org

How we'll support you

Joining this event as a runner for Brain Tumour Research you will receive:

  • A special Fundraising Pack
  • A branded t-shirt or a running vest
  • Dedicated fundraising help and support, including any assistance needed in setting up your online fundraising page
  • Access to a Facebook Group for sharing updates, useful tips on how to maximise your fundraising and smashing your targets!
  • PR support where applicable and the opportunity to share story with us (if you want)
  • A special finisher’s fighting force medal

Help us find a cure

Already secured a place?

Join the Brain Tumour Research Team.