Make our voice heard

What you can do now

There are many ways to make your voice heard with your MPs

  • Contact MPs directly 

    Write to your MPs directly to tell them you care about the future options and outcomes for UK brain tumour patients and ask them what they think about this issue. We’ve drafted a template letter you can download here and adapt for your MPs.  

  • Engage on social media 

    You can use social media to contact your MPs –
    all of them are likely to have X or Facebook accounts. Social media isn’t ideal
    for getting drawn into long, detailed discussions. But it’s a great way to make
    initial contact with your MPs.

    You can use a tweet such as: 
    (@yourMP) will you declare #braintumours a clinical priority?  @braintumourresearch
    #DoThingsDifferently #BrainTumourCure   

If you have any questions, or need further support please contact