Jack's 15 marathons for beloved mum lost to glioblastoma

2 min read

Today we’d like to honour our Trustee Jack Goodwin, who set himself a target to run 2,740km, including 15 official marathons, and raise £2,740 during the Charity’s 15th anniversary year.

And several team members from Brain Tumour Research were there to congratulate Jack on his epic achievement as he finished his very last marathon on 23rd December, not only in second place, but with a personal best (PB) of 3:24.

Army veteran (who served in Afghanistan and Iraq) and father-of-one Jack became a Trustee for Brain Tumour Research after losing his mother Debbie (pictured above far right with her son) to a glioblastoma in February 2023 after a six-month battle. Now a Data Insights Manager for British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS), Jack has brought valuable skills in IT to our Board of Trustees.

Jack’s year-long, megathon challenge was inspired by Debbie, who was a keen runner, particularly of half marathons, taking part in more than 50 races for charity.

Jack’s wife Peeya (pictured above with Jack and his 15 medals) pointed out on LinkedIn that, as well as achieving everything he set out to do, Jack also completed two ultra marathons, 28 half marathons and conquered an elevation of 8,766 metres whilst running – just short of the height of Mount Everest!

Peeya wrote: “Being by your side while you completed this challenge has been truly magical. Your mum would be incredibly proud.”

Following his epic feat, Jack said: “If you have anything at all you could donate, I’d be forever grateful – this year wasn’t for me, it was for my mum and Brain Tumour Research. I hope one day we can cure the deadly disease which took her away from us too soon.”

There’s still time to donate via Jack’s fundraising page. Or if his commitment and determination has inspired you, why not choose to do something similar and fundraise your way

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Published Monday 6th January 2024.

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